Monday, May 11, 2009

weekend and Santiago

This past weekend we had the chance to go out on our own and explore via two very needed free days. On Saturday we walked over to the mall and bought a few shirts at the store Zara, I can guarantee no one at home will have them. On our walk back we strolled through the casino only a block from the hotel but restrained ourselves from any gambling.                                                                                                                                                                                                             Sunday was another free day offering the chance sleep in again. Then I finally sorted out skype and got a chance to talk to my family. After that Tara and I strolled down the beach to do a bit of shopping at the beachfront shops. Sunday ended with a group dinner at a local Italian restaurant that took their own personal spin on marinara sauce. Although it was not what I expected it was still tasty.        

 Today we went into the capital Santiago to visit my company Bolsa Comercio de Santiago that is the primary stock market in the country of Chile. After lunch we took a mini-tour of the city stopping at the Moneda, the Chilean equivalent of the white house minus the actual president living there part.

 After our chance to walk around for a bit we headed over to the Chilean Market Central where we got the opportunity to walk around the fish market, get begged to enter the restaurants, and eat some delicious fresh fish. They brought it out in courses, beginning with a seafood appetizer complete with mini-shrimp, muscles, and other unidentified things.  I was adventurous and found that I liked almost everything on the plate. Second came out a bunch of salads and potatoes including some tasty mashed potatoes and French fries. The main course of both fried and grilled local fish followed. Even without tarter sauce everything was delicious.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   After lunch we rode another incline up over the layer of smog to see Santiago framed by the Andes mountains as well as browse the shops at the top. Once again the top of the incline was loaded with dogs and I spoke briefly with Monica about what Chile has been doing to slow down the dog population boom. Apparently the idea of euthanizing them did not go over too well and instead spaying and neutering has been proposed.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Iis hard to believe that the second week has already begun and that we will be going home Saturday. Tomorrow will be our trip to Pablo Nerudas house Isla Negra.           

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